倦怠感 の英語
倦怠感 けんたいかん washed-out feeling 倦怠 倦怠 けんたい languor fatigue weariness boredom 感 感 かん feeling sensation emotion admiration impression 倦怠感を誘う 倦怠感を誘う v. lazy (時が)だるい, 倦怠感[眠気]を誘う. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 倦怠) たまらない倦怠感 unendurable boredom 倦怠 倦怠 けんたい languor fatigue weariness boredom 彼は倦怠感に負けてソファで眠り込んでしまった He succumbed to a feeling of weariness [lassitude, listlessness] and fell asleep on the couch. 倦怠期 倦怠期 けんたいき the stage of fatigue 彼女は化学療法のせいで起こる倦怠感と戦うための薬も必要とした She also needed some medicine to fight fatigue caused by chemotherapy. けん怠感 1. fatigue 2. feeling of weariness [lassitude, listlessness] 3. lassitude 4. lethargy 5. malaise 6. sense of fatigue 7. sense of malaise 8. soporific feeling of conjugal boredom 倦怠を感じる 1. be bored 2. be tired 3. become fatigued 両膝けん怠感 fatigability of knees 全身けん怠感 generalized fatigability 深いけん怠感 feeling of deep weariness 脚部けん怠感 leg heaviness 腰部けん怠感 lumbar fatigability
Washed out and cooped up feeling are swirling secretly倦怠感 や閉塞感が渦巻いている No matter what you eat , only say goodhearted husband 何を食わせてもうまいしか言わない倦怠感 丸出しの旦那 She described fatigue and fever . 訴えていらっしゃるのは 倦怠感 と発熱。 She described fatigue and fever . 訴えていらっしゃるのは 倦怠感 と発熱。 After 15 months of fatigue and morning sickness and nose bleeds ... 15ヶ月間 倦怠感 が続き 朝の吐き気と 鼻血が続いている After 15 months of fatigue and morning sickness and nose bleeds ... 15ヶ月間 倦怠感 が続き 朝の吐き気と 鼻血が続いている I've received an increasing number of complaints ... about headaches and listlessness . 頭痛と倦怠感 を訴えるクルーが増えました