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  • be in good health


  • M .d . nothing can be wrong with my children .
  • In many cases , people are actually perfectly healthy .
    彼らは 極めて健康であることが多いのです
  • He seems to be intact , he seems to be perfectly healthy
    彼は全く正常で 完全に健康であるようです
  • Our nature is to be peaceful , our nature is to be healthy .
  • Maybe we should be studying those
  • And doesn't have to stay home .
  • The hallmark of any rising supreme is glowing , radiant health .
    成長中の スプリームである事の証明は 白熱した輝かしい 健康である
  • The hallmark of any rising supreme is glowing , radiant health .
    成長中の スプリームである事の証明は 白熱した輝かしい 健康である
  • I , monsieur gustave h , being of relatively sound mind and body , on this day , the 19th of october , in the year of our lord 1932 ...
    私こと、ムッシュー・グスタフは 心身ともに健康であるこの日 1932年10月19日にしたためる...
  • As the administrators of the imperial household ministry (currently , imperial household agency ) were nominating potential princesses for the sickly imperial prince yoshihito (later , the emperor taisho ), the healthy appearance of the empress teimei became the most distinctly important advantage for choosing her .
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