- health warnings《たばこのパッケージ》
- 健康 健康 けんこう health sound wholesome
- 示す 示す しめす to denote to show to point out to indicate
- 警告 警告 けいこく warning advice
- 告文 告文 こうもん こくぶん written report to the gods imperial edict written appeal to a
- 文 文 ぶん sentence ふみ letter writings
- 健康への害 1. harm to health 2. health threat
- 健康への害 1. harm to health 2. health threat
- 簡潔な健康への警告 blunt health warnings
- 損害(健康への) 損害(健康への) detriment (to health)[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉
- 健康への影響 1. effect on health 2. health effects
- 健康への脅威 1. health threat 2. threat to health
- 健康への逃避 flight into health
- 健康と環境への害を減らす reduce hazards to health and the environment
- 健康への悪影響 negative health impact
- 被害を示す show damage