健康への害: 1. harm to health 2. health threat 簡潔な健康への警告: blunt health warnings 損害(健康への): 損害(健康への) detriment (to health)[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉 健康への影響: 1. effect on health 2. health effects 健康への脅威: 1. health threat 2. threat to health 健康への逃避: flight into health 健康と環境への害を減らす: reduce hazards to health and the environment 健康への悪影響: negative health impact 被害を示す: show damage 警告を示す旗: warning flag 健康への脅威に気を配るよう全国的な警告を発する: issue a national alert to care about the health threat 健康への影響がない: suffer no ill effects 健康への志向や不安: health consciousness or concern 健康への意識を高める: heighten awareness about health 健康への脅威と闘う: combat the health threat imposed by〔~がもたらす〕