At first , his health was ruined by exposure to the wind and rain under the poor conditions of the prison . 当初、牢が貧弱で風雨にさらされたので、健康を害した。
The story appeared in the newspaper intermittently , but koyo ' s health deteriorated because of this long serialized novel , and in 1899 he became ill . 以後断続的に書かれることになるが、もともと病弱であったためこの長期連載が災いし、明治32年(1899年)から健康を害した。
After the succession , shigemori most likely fell ill , and he therefore failed to attend the goshohajime (ceremony to learn how to read under the guidance of professors ) held at the togu (crown prince ' s quarters ) in december since , as he put it , he ' has been ill ' and ' has been feeling uncomfortable ,' and also , he let someone else assume the shokei (master of ceremony ) post at the daijoe (commemoration of the five major mahayana buddhist sutras ). 後継者となった重盛だが健康を害したらしく、「日来所労」「昨今不快」により12月の東宮の御書始を欠席し、大乗会の上卿も交替する。