Mary and her friends forced the ruling political party メリーと友人達は 与党勢力が
In 1335 , the nakasendai war occurred where hojo follower survivors recovered kamakura . 35年に北条氏の残党勢力による中先代の乱が起こり鎌倉が奪還された。
After the imperial diet was inaugurated , minto specifically demanded the land tax reduction 2 to 2 .5% of the land price and tried to decrease the budget of the house of representatives . 帝国議会開設後、民党勢力は具体的に地租を地価の2.5%から2%に引き下げるように要求して、衆議院において度々予算の減額修正を図った。
The kokumin kyokai sought to realize the " tripartite factions " in the diet by remaining to be a third party , but the association ended up dissolving itself in 1899 as it failed to extend the political power . 第3党路線を採って「三党鼎立」を目指すが、党勢不振により1899年に解党した。
During the second katsura cabinet , which was formed next , the seiyu party remained as the ruling party and during the second saionji cabinet , the party expanded its influence lead by takashi hara and masahisa matsuda . つづく第2次桂内閣にも与党、第2次西園寺内閣のもとでは原敬・松田正久を中心に党勢を拡大する。