- in strict seclusion
- 全く 全く まったく really truly entirely completely wholly perfectly indeed
- て て 手 hand
- 世を捨てる 1. abandon the world 2. abjure man's society 3. forsake the world 4. renounce the world 5. retire from the world 6. shut oneself off from the rest of the world
- 身を捨てて 1. at the sacrifice of life 2. with one's life
- 完全に世を捨てる withdraw entirely from society
- 浮き世を捨てる forsake the world
- 私心を捨てて 1. from (a) disinterested motive 2. from unselfish motives
- 命を捨ててかかる take one's life upon〔~に〕
- 夫を捨てて(人)に走る leave one's husband and going off with
- 家を捨てて逃げる flee one's home
- 高慢さを捨てて off one's high horse
- わだかまりを捨てて 【副】 eye-to-eye〔「eye-for-eye(目には目を)」に対して「今までの葛藤を捨てて」の意味でが込められている〕
- 名を捨てて実を取る 1. choose real achievement rather than empty reputation 2. go for substance instead of form 3. swallow one's pride for practicality 4. would rather be down-to-earth than care about name
- 夫を捨てて(人)の元へ行く leave one's husband for
- 夫を捨てて(人)の所へ行く leave one's husband for