Goshirakawa took strong measures and sent court troops , but there was a confrontation between shigemori ' s troops , who were sent to maintain security , and the monks , and the situation worsened after an arrow hit the mikoshi . 後白河は強硬策をとり官兵を派遣するが、警備にあたった重盛の兵と大衆の間で衝突が起こり、矢が神輿に当たったことから事態はさらに悪化する。
In 661 , in response to the request of the surviving retainers of baekje , naka no oe no oji decided to dispatch soldiers for rescue and together with empress saimei , he himself went to chikushi , but empress passed away at this place . 661年、百済の遺臣の要請に応じて中大兄皇子は救援の兵を派遣することを決め、斉明天皇とともに自ら筑紫へ赴くが、天皇はこの地で没する。