It is critical we send an attack group there immediately . 兵を送るのは 反対です
About the shikoku campaign that's about to take place 間もなく兵を送る 四国討伐の件だが。
Mehmed will be sending others soon enough . じきにメフメトが 大勢の兵を送るだろう
He will make a bridge of ships to deploy in golden horn . ガレー船を浮き橋にして 金閣湾に兵を送る
The ogigayatsu-uesugi clan also sent relief forces , which returned in defeat . 扇谷上杉氏も救援の兵を送るがことごとく撃退された。
The late walder frey , old tully called me because i didn't get my men to the trident in time for battle . タリーは私を<遅刻公のフレイ>と呼んだ なぜならトライデントの戦いに私の兵を送るのが 間に合わなかったからだ
When the jinshin war broke out , the prince otomo (the emperor kobun ) in omi no miya sent kusu no iwate as an emissary to tsukushi province and ordered kurikuma no okimi to send his troops to omi no miya to support the prince . 壬申の乱が勃発したとき、近江宮の大友皇子(弘文天皇)は、樟磐手を使者として筑紫国に送り、兵を送るよう命じた。
In september 702 , the imperial court assembled weapons in dazai-fu (local government office in kyushu region ) and sent troops to southern kyushu at the same time as it established hayahito province (later satsuma province ) for the purpose of reinforcing the ruling system in the area . 朝廷は大宰府に武器を集め702年(大宝 (日本)2年)8月、九州南部に兵を送るとともに唱更国(後の薩摩国)を設置し現地の支配体制を強化した。
However , when a rift in the relationship between the emperor godaigo and takauji ashikaga developed into the period of the northern and southern courts (japan ), yoshinao yoshimi sided with the northern court ashikaga clan and ordered kokujin (local lords ) of the bingo province to dispatch their troops; this is the reason why he is believed to have been in a higher position as a minamoto clan . しかし、後醍醐天皇と足利尊氏との間に亀裂が生じ、南北朝時代 (日本)に入ると吉見頼直は北朝・足利方につき、備後国の国人に兵を送る様に要請したところから、源氏の一門として、一定の地位にあったのではないかといわれる。