全員を集める go to the trouble of gathering everyone together for〔~のためにわざわざ〕
卵を集める 1 【自動】 egg 卵を集める 2 collect the eggs〔鶏舎の〕 卵を集める 3 collect the eggs〔鶏小屋の〕
Karu no miko assembled soldiers to kill anaho no miko . 軽皇子は穴穂皇子を討ち殺そうとして兵を集める。
I will search out the veterans among them . 私は兵を集める
Maki no kata ' s husband tokimasa called troops but they all went to the house of yoshitoki . 牧の方の夫である時政は兵を集めるが、兵はすべて義時邸に参じた。
The hesitation of hatayasu gave fukei time to join the reinforcements and gather the withdrawing soldiers . 果安の逡巡のおかげで、吹負は援軍と合流し敗走した兵を集める猶予を得た。
As ujikiyo gathered his army in sakai , he visited yoshimasa , who was a shugo of kii , and he encouraged him to raise an army . 氏清は堺に兵を集めるとともに、紀伊守護の義理を訪ねて挙兵を説いた。
Although sukenaga gathered 30 ,000 soldiers in response to the order , he died of disease suddenly just before departure for the front . これに応じて三万の兵を集めるが、出陣の直前に病にかかって急死した。
However while he could not gather enough warriors , they were attacked by the troop of yukichika kanakubo who were ordered by the regent , yoshitoki hojo . しかし思うように兵を集めることができないうちに、執権北条義時の命を受けた金窪行親の手勢に襲撃され、あっけなく討ち取られた。
Kagenaka went to his own territory , kozuke in order to call up more soldiers , and at the same time , he sent a messenger to the provincial governor of echigo to call for reinforcements . 更に景仲はそのまま領国の上野に入って兵を集めるとともに、使者を越後守護の上杉房定に援軍を求めた。
In the jinshin war of 672 , he became an envoy responsible for mobilizing forces for prince otomo (later emperor kobun ), but he was taken prisoner and switched allegiance to prince oama (later emperor tenmu ). 672年の壬申の乱で大友皇子(弘文天皇)のために兵を集める使者になったが、捕虜になって大海人皇子(天武天皇)に従った。
However , sumimoto and yukinaga were unable to raise an army and yukinaga was arrested and forced to kill himself , while sumimoto fled to itami castle in settsu; his administration collapsed in a short period of time . これに対して澄元・之長らは兵を集めることができず、之長は捕らえられて自害させられ、澄元も摂津伊丹城に敗走し、政権は短期間で崩壊した。