Now he wants to tell us what to do with our lives . 今に私たちへの生活に口を出すようになる
In order for the world to grow up and become wiser 世界が成長し 考え 歩き出すようになるには➡
Because people build on top of each other's ideas . 他の人のアイデアを元に アイデアを出すようになるためです
It is believed that around this time , he began overseeing the business on his own as the head of the hongo family , although , the conflict with forces believing mitsuhisa , who actually played an active role in japan ' s invasion of korea and the shonai war , should be the family head , introduced the power struggle into the family . このころから独り立ちして北郷家の当主としての実務も見るようになったと思われるが、朝鮮出兵・庄内の乱で実際に活躍した三久を当主とすべきという勢力と対立し、家中が紛糾し出すようになる。