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"出掛ける"の例文"出掛ける" 意味"出掛ける" 中国語の意味


  • 出掛ける
    to depart
    to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)
    to set out
    to start
    to be going out


  • I have to go somewhere from here on . where to ?
    パパは これから 出掛けるんだ。 どこに?
  • I have to go somewhere from here on . where to ?
    パパは これから 出掛けるんだ。 どこに?
  • Mother and father quarreled , before they left home .
  • Just as we're about to leave . just a minute .
    出掛ける間際になって。 ちょっと待ってよ。
  • Who leaves their door unlocked when they're not home ?
  • And the moms were hanging out in the afternoon .
    母親達は 午後 出掛けるようになり
  • And the moms were hanging out in the afternoon .
    母親達は 午後 出掛けるようになり
  • You stand with your bike at the beginning of february .
    2月初旬に 自転車で出掛けるとします
  • You leave , you don't tell me where you're going .
    行く先も告げずに 出掛ける
  • You leave , you don't tell me where you're going .
    行く先も告げずに 出掛ける
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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