Originally it resembled a flat braid which was worn with a sword , but in the early-modern times twilled sashes such as the arare ji (hail pattern , or rectangle checkerboard pattern ) became common . 本来は太刀を帯びるのに使った平緒に類する施工であったらしいが、近世では霰地(長方形の石畳文)などの綾をたたんだ帯が普通になった。
As for other features of the japanese traditional equestrianism , the techniques for the castration had been unknown as well; people respected male horses vigorous enough to bite people especially at wars; since the bushi always wore long and short swords , they rode the horses from the opposite side to the way of the european equestrianism . また、去勢の技術が伝えられていなかったこと、戦場には人を齧るくらい元気な牡馬が尊ばれたこと、大小の刀を帯びる影響で、乗馬位置が西洋馬術と反対であることなどもある。