- Doctors often neglect their own health《諺》
- 医者 医者 いしゃ doctor (medical)
- 養生 養生 ようじょう hygiene health care recuperation
- 紺屋 紺屋 こうや こんや dyer
- 袴 袴 はかま man's formal divided skirt
- 不養生 不養生 ふようじょう neglect of health intemperance
- 紺屋の白袴 1. The Shoemakers' children [wife] go barefoot. 2. The tailor's wife is worst
- 医者の不養生 It is a good doctor who follows his own directions.《諺》 医者の不養生。 Physician,
- 医者の不養生。 Physician, heal thyself!《諺》 医者の不養生 It is a good doctor who follows his own
- 弁護士が良い死に方をすることは希だし、医者が健康に生きることも希だ。/医者の不養生。/紺屋の白袴。 Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well.
- 紺屋の白袴 1. The Shoemakers' children [wife] go barefoot. 2. The tailor's wife is worst clad.《諺》
- 医者の不養生 It is a good doctor who follows his own directions.《諺》 医者の不養生。 Physician, heal thyself!《諺》
- 医者の不養生。 Physician, heal thyself!《諺》 医者の不養生 It is a good doctor who follows his own directions.《諺》
- 靴直しの女房はぼろ靴を履く。/紺屋の白袴 The cobbler's wife goes the worst shod.《諺》
- 靴職人の子は、いつも裸足でいる。/紺屋の白袴。 The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot.〔自分や自分の身内のことでは、つい手抜きになってしまうという意味。〕
- 不養生 不養生 ふようじょう neglect of health intemperance