In september 1940 the japanese imperial navy advanced into indochina according to an agreement with france . 日本軍はフランスとの合意に基づき1940年9月この地に進駐した。
Genroin was established succeeded from the left state council (an organ which report a legislative decision to the central state council ) on april 25 , 1875 , by the agreement at the osaka conference in 1875 among toshimichi okubo , hirobumi ito , takayoshi kido , and taisuke itagaki , and the document of the emperor of the constitutional system given later . 1875年に大久保利通・伊藤博文・木戸孝允・板垣退助らの大阪会議での合意に基づき、続いて出された立憲政体の詔書によって1875年4月25日左院にかわり設置された。
Based on the agreement , the emperor meiji issued ' an imperial edict on constitutional government ' on april 14 to declare that ' genroin ' (a senate in japan ), ' daishin-in ' (a predecessor of the supreme court of japan ) and ' chihokan kaigi ' (an assembly of prefectural governors ) should be established with a view to the gradual formation of constitutional government . 合意に基づき、さっそく4月14日には明治天皇より「立憲政体の詔書」が発せられ、元老院 (日本)・大審院・地方官会議を設置し、段階的に立憲政体を立てることが宣言された。