The words shukuin and shukuen have the same meaning . 宿因、宿縁は同じ意味である。
Chuko carries the same meaning as the " middle ages ." 本来は、中世と同じ意味である。
Koku (石 ) was originally written as 斛 in chinese character and both sill means the same in present japan . 元の用字は斛であり、現在でも日本では石と斛は同じ意味である。
" 霉 " has the same meaning as " 黴 " and therefore " 霉雨 " has the same meaning as " 黴雨 " in japan . 「霉」は「黴」のことであり、日本の「黴雨」と同じ意味である。
On the other hand , japanese literature also uses the term ' chusei ' to refer to the time period after the kamakura period which has the same meaning as chuko , and the appropriateness of this practice has been questioned . その一方で国文学界が鎌倉時代以後を本来は同じ意味である「中世」という語で表現する事に対して疑問も出されている。
Dohyo-iri (ring-entering ceremony ) now performed by yokozuna (sumo wrestler of the highest rank ) has the same meaning as that of jichinsai (a ceremony performed before the groundbreaking of a new building ) in that the yokozuna stamps on the ground symbolically driving evil from the dohyo . 現在は横綱が行なう一人土俵入りは四股で邪悪なものを踏み鎮める地鎮祭と同じ意味である。