- You never cease to amaze me.
- はい はい 拝 worship 俳 actor 佩 wear put on (sword) yes 肺 lung 灰 ash 配 disposition
- いつ いつ 何時 when how soon 佚 be lost peace hide mistake beautiful in turn
- かせ かせ 枷 shackles fetters irons handcuffs bonds 綛 reel
- せる せる 競る to compete to bid to sell at auction
- 驚く 驚く おどろく to be surprised to be astonished
- ばか ばか 馬鹿 莫迦 破家 fool idiot trivial matter folly
- かり かり 加里 potassium potash 刈 cut clip shear reap trim prune 下吏 lower official 雁 雁金
- よ よ 余 over more than 世 代 world society age generation
- いつも いつも 何時も always usually every time never (with neg. verb)
- かせる かせる 乾せる to dry up to scab to slough to be poisoned (with lacquer)
- ばかり ばかり 許り approximately just only merely nothing but
- 驚くばかり 驚くばかりの adj. ?おどろくべき (見出しへ戻る headword ? 驚く)
- 君はいつも愚痴ばかりだね。 You're always complaining
- 上司はいつも私を悩ませる The boss always puts me on the rack.
- 彼はいつも私をイライラさせる He always tries my patience.