Color silk paintings of shisho no mie (images of the holy four ) (kencho era and eiwa era versions ) 絹本著色四聖御影(ししょうのみえ)(建長本)・(永和本)
The name of ise ebi also appears in the book titled " yamato-honzo " written by ekiken kaibara in 1709 . 1709年の貝原益軒が著した『大和本草』にもイセエビの名が登場する。
His masterpieces include books on herbs , such as " yamato-honzo ," " nafu " and " kafu ." 主な著書に『大和本草』、『菜譜』、『花譜』といった本草書。
" gosannen kassen ekotoba " in the jowa edition was written in more recent years , the period of the northern and southern coutts . 貞和本『後三年合戦絵詞』との時代は、南北朝時代まで下がる。
When one uses izuna tactics , he will not be blamed for his improper tactics if he burns this powder incense .' ( " yamato honzo " ) 「術者伊豆那の法を行ふに、此抹香をたけば彼の邪法行はれずと云ふ」(『大和本草』)の類である。
For those reasons , there is doubt that " oshu gosannen ki " which extracted sentences from " gosannen kassen ekotoba " in the jowa edition was merely fiction . これらを重ね合わせると、和本『後三年合戦絵詞』の詞文を書き出した『奥州後三年記』は、単なる物語に過ぎないのでは、との疑いも生まれる余地がある。
In the literature from the edo period , such as " yamato-honzo " , " wakan sansai zue " and " saikai zokudan " , shii is written ' 黒眚 ' in kanji , which means ' ' black disaster .' ' 江戸時代の書物『大和本草』『和漢三才図会』『斎諧俗談』などではシイに「黒眚」という漢字表記をあてている。
According to " yamato honzo ," ' ' shii ' ' is said to have lived in suo province (present-day yamaguchi prefecture ) and tsukushi province (present-day fukuoka prefecture ), and to have harmed cattle and horses and it was not easy to catch as it was very smart and could move very fast . 『大和本草』では黒眚は周防国(現・山口県)や筑紫国(現・福岡県)におり、やはり牛馬に害をなすもので、賢い上に素早いのでなかなか捕えることはできないとある。