The people who compose waka are called kajin poets . 和歌を詠む人のことを歌人という。
The textbook teaches that waka poems reveal the true characteristics of the target of the poem . 和歌の歴史を述べるとともに、和歌を詠むことは題材の対象の本性を明らかにするということであるとしている。
In the extant manuscripts , the text begins with the hero just having undergone the ceremony of coming-of-age celebration and ends with his writing a waka poem anticipatory of his death . 現存の伝本では、元服直後を描く冒頭と、死を予感した和歌を詠む末尾がある。
It is said that the history of bonenkai of japan began in the kamakura or muromachi period and it is thought that behavior of people at bonenkai was quiet and solemn such as composing waka poems . 日本の忘年会の歴史は鎌倉時代もしくは室町時代に始まったと言われていて、和歌を詠むなど静かで厳かな内容だったとされている。
It is said that the kajin (a waka poet ) sakon fujiroku saw masakado ' s head and recited a waka poem , at which time it is said that masakado ' s head laughed , the earth suddenly began to shake , there was thunder and lightening , and the head said " i need to get back my body and go into battle ! where is my body !" ある時、歌人の藤六左近がそれを見て和歌を詠むと、将門の首が笑い、突然地面が轟き、稲妻が鳴り始め、首が「躯(からだ)つけて一戦(いく)させん。俺の胴はどこだ」と言った。