品よく の英語
よく よく 良く 善く nicely properly well skilled in 欲 greed wants 慾 craving desire greedく く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraphよく よく 良く 善く nicely properly well skilled in 欲 greed wants 慾 craving desire greed avarice 浴 bath 能 能く being skilled in nicely properly well skillfully thoroughly frequently often よく― よく― [翌―] **next 【S】 (時間?順序が)次の, 来…, 翌…《◆ 「next+名詞」は前置詞?冠詞なしに副詞句にもなる》. よく [良く, 好く] 1 n. ①[うまく] 〔上手に, 立派に, みごとに〕 **well 【副】 [動詞の後で]うまく, 上手な∥ He speaks English well. 彼は英語をよく話す / This他社の競合製品よりも価格が安い competitive in price よくよく よくよく 翌々 翌翌 the one after next 翼翼 翼々 prudent very careful 善く善く 良く良く exceedingly very 従来の製品よりもエネルギー効率が良い be more energy efficient than conventional products いよく いよく 意欲 意慾 will desire ambition うよく うよく 羽翼 wings assistance 右翼 right-wing かよく かよく 寡欲 unselfishness 寡慾 wanting little がよく がよく 我欲 selfishness さよく さよく 左翼 left-wing ざよく ざよく 座浴 sitz bath しよく しよく 私欲 self-interest 私慾 self-interest
Two or three kinds of delicacies are arranged on a hassun , an approximately 25cm square tray made of unprocessed japanese cedar (which is called hassun ) as an appetizer . 八寸(約25cm)四方の杉の素木の角盆(これを八寸という)に、酒の肴となる珍味を2品ないし3品、品よく 盛り合わせる。