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  • 1. only exception
    2. sole exception
  • 唯一     唯一 ゆいいつ ゆいつ only sole unique
  • 一の     …一の,…壱の She was claimed to be the best tennis player in the school.
  • 例外     例外 れいがい exception
  •      外 ほか other place the rest そと outside
  • 唯一の例     1. solitary example 2. the only [sole] example of 3. unique example
  • 唯一の例    1. solitary example 2. the only [sole] example of 3. unique example
  • 知られている唯一の例    the single known instance
  • 規則の例外    exception to a rule
  • 唯一の 1    1. alone without equal 2. one and only one 唯一の 2 【形】 1. alone〔 【注意】 主語が We の場合、「私たちだけ」または「二人きり」と訳すことがある。機械的に alone=「ひとり」としないように〕 2. exclusive 3. one-of-a-kind 4. only 5. singular 6. sole 7. solit
  • 唯一の保証    only warranty
  • 唯一の大国    only major power
  • 唯一の実例    only instance
  • 唯一の救い    only consolation
  • 唯一の方法    the only ticket to〔~の〕
  • 唯一の欠点    only fault


  • Your final record is flawless , with one exception .
    完璧な成績だ 唯一の例外は―
  • Your final record is flawless , with one exception .
    完璧な成績だ 唯一の例外は―
  • The only exception is the naked somalian molerat
  • The envoy from the tsushima domain in 1629 , which consisted mainly of priests and was sent up to hanseong , was the only exception .
  • The only exception until now was , in july , 1969 , with kanzaburo nakamura xvii as bunya and nisa , the full length play was re-performed at the national theater .
    昭和44年 (1969) 7月、国立劇場で中村勘三郎 (17代目)の文弥・仁三で通し狂言が復活上演されたのが、今日までその唯一の例外となっている。
  • The only exception in this was hirado of the hirado domain , but it was a trade off in compensation for the edo bakuf ' s seizing of their trading rights to the netherlands , which provided enormous revenue to the hirado domain .
  • In the meantime , students (except for those who took radical action while carrying the above-mentioned placards ) were singing together while looking across at the emperor ' s party and didn ' t take any actions to hinder them .
  • Later , hideyoshi toyotomi ' s adopted child , hidetsugu toyotomi , was appointed as the emperor ' s chief adviser under the name of toyotomi no ason , thus marking the only exception to the tradition that no member of the family other than gosekke would be appointed as the chief advisor to the emperor .
  • In ' nihon shoki ,' with the only exception of iwanohimenomikoto , emperor jintoku ' s ' kogo ,' all fathers of ' kogo ' were either god or the emperor/a member of the imperial family (but it is thought in ' nihon shoki ' that the title ' kogo ' was presented as an honary award to the emperors ' real mothers in later years ).
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