I went from killer to cashier . don't tell anyone . 俺も殺し屋から商売人に転職だ
The spirit of your shady business is clinging to you あなたには あくどい商売人の霊が 取り憑いています。
I'm no businessman . and i'm no judge . 私は商売人ではないし 判事でもない
I've been lead to believe that you are a gentleman , and a business man . あなたが紳士で 商売人だと信じてる
I've been lead to believe that you are a gentleman , and a business man . あなたが紳士で 商売人だと信じてる
Mr . bennett , if you are the business man i've been led to believe you to be ベネットさん あなたが商売人ならば―
That's it . i'm a businessman . それだけ 私は商売人だ
Tekiya are merchants who sell blessed items or lucky charms at niwaba . その庭場において御利益品や縁起物を売を打つ(売る)商売人である。
In recent years , machines which can simultaneously also measure height , and are lighter for better portability have become common , and it has become possible to see sales people for mobile body measuring even on the chinese continent . 近年では同時に身長も計測でき、軽量で移動に適した機械が普及し、中国大陸などでも移動身体測定の商売人が見られる。
This is part of the reason that as merchants with skills , tekiya were able to make a living from festivals which , with their special atmosphere of night stalls and shops , were enjoyed by the common people and enriched their culture of festival . 庶民も夜店や出店の非日常を楽しみ、日本の祭り文化が人生を豊かにし、技術を持った商売人としての的屋も生活がなりたったと言う背景がある。