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  • 1. brother in the trade
    2. business associate
    3. business friend
  • 商売     商売 しょうばい trade business commerce transaction occupation
  • 仲間     仲間 ちゅうげん samurai's attendant footman なかま company fellow colleague associate
  •      間 ま space room time pause あいだ space interval
  • 商売    商売 しょうばい trade business commerce transaction occupation
  • 販売仲買人    selling broker
  • 仲間    仲間 ちゅうげん samurai's attendant footman なかま company fellow colleague associate comrade mate group circle of friends partner
  • 販売仲介業者    1. sales broker 2. sales intermediary
  • 車の販売仲介    car transaction
  • 商売は商売。    Business is business.
  • 商売の     【形】 professional〔 【反】 amateur〕
  • 商売は    by trade
  • 商売上    in business
  • 商売人    商売人 しょうばいにん merchant professional expert
  • 商売敵    商売敵 しょうばいがたき professional jealousy business rivalry
  • 商売柄    商売柄 しょうばいがら nature of one's business business instinct


  • My business partner takes my money , gets tortured and murdered , and what ?
    お金を預けた 商売仲間が 拷問殺人され それで?
  • My business partner takes my money , gets tortured and murdered , and what ?
    お金を預けた 商売仲間が 拷問殺人され それで?
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