Hypnotizing fishermen isn't business acumen , barnabas . 猟師に催眠術をかけるのは 商才とは言いません
Hypnotizing fishermen isn't business acumen , barnabas . 猟師に催眠術をかけるのは 商才とは言いません
I had no idea that my business acumen was giving you such spasms . 私の商才にビクつく必要などないのでは?
Later , he was ousted by his brothers who feared takatoshi ' s business talent , and takatoshi ran finance business in matsusaka . のちその商才を恐れた兄達に放逐され、松坂で金融業を営む。
Their keen business sense was envied by the people of edo , and they were maligned , together with ise merchants , as ' omi thieves and ise beggars .' その商才を江戸っ子から妬まれ、伊勢商人とともに「近江泥棒伊勢乞食」と蔑まれた。
Author is also unknown , but he wrote about himself from the ' konoike school ' and seemed to have a flair for business , therefore it is assumed that he was one of the kuramoto (sake brewer ) of konoike school . 著者についても不詳であるが、自分は「鴻池流」の人間であると書いていること、商才に敏感な記述が多いこと、などから鴻池流の蔵元の誰かであると思われる。