So , the wind carries the sand onto the site 風は、問題の場所に砂を運んで来ますが
That's what i was talking about . it was here when we moved in . ここが問題の場所です 前は私の部屋でした
For this , gihei yoneda , the daikan of the tokuyama clan , adamantly insisted that the site where the incident occurred was within the tokuyama domain territory . これに対し、これに応対した徳山藩の代官・米田儀兵衛は問題の場所が徳山藩領に相違ないと主張して譲らなかった。
However , according to an old document named " tokuyama gokanpu ikken " of the tokuyama clan , the place in question was located in less than 18 meters inside or outside the boundary . しかしながら、徳山藩の旧記『徳山御還附一件』によると問題の場所はわずか10間足らずの出入りに過ぎなかったようである。