What were you planning to do , bypass me entirely ? 何を企んでる 私は埒外か
That's good for us , keeps us out of it . ciaには好都合だ 埒外で居れる
That's good for us , keeps us out of it . ciaには好都合だ 埒外で居れる
That's good for us , keeps us out of it . CIAには好都合だ 埒外で居れる
That's good for us , keeps us out of it . CIAには好都合だ 埒外で居れる
In other words , it can be recognized that those people who were organized under the tato and fumyo class , such as low-ranked people , servants , and retainers , were placed outside the nation ' s interest . 換言すれば、田堵負名層の下に編成された下人、従者、所従らは国家の関心の埒外となったとも言えよう。
The identities of writers from ancient times such as aesop and homer are suspicious , but they are placed outside the discussion as to whether their works are gisho or forged writings . もっとも、文学の場合、大きく時代を遡れば、アイソポス(イソップ)やホメロスなど著者の同一性自体が揺らいでいても偽書・贋作論議の埒外に置かれているケースもある。