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  • 1. attain the level of
    2. reach a stage of
    3. stack up to〔~の〕


  • Comes with the territories . we aged in dog years .
    この域に達すると 犬なみに早く年をとる
  • To move into a spiritual realm .
    魂の領域に達することができる能力 ―
  • Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place ... atop the pantheon of explorers !
    それを手に入れた人は誰でも 永遠なる場所をも手に入れる... そう 探検家の神の域に達するというのか!
  • Therefore , i hope that my technique would get better by the age of 86 , i would understand the secrets of art at the age of 90 and would reach the world of gods at the age of 100 .'
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