基づいて 1. be grounded in 2. by virtue of 3. in conformity to [with] 4. in dependence upon 5. on (the) ground of〔複数形の grounds が使われることもある〕 6. on the basis of〔~に〕
Computers that are now ubiquitous almost . 基づいて行うのです
The management of the sect is based on open discussions by all doho (followers ) without permitting anyone ' s tyranny . 宗門の運営は、何人の専横専断をも許さず、あまねく同朋の公議公論に基づいて行う。
In the event that the passenger does not follow the procedures based on the rules of the passenger vehicle transportation business law 旅客が乗務員の旅客自動車運送事業運輸規則の規定に基づいて行う措置に従わないとき