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"堂々たる"の例文"堂々たる" 意味


  • 【形】
    1. magnificent
    2. noble


  • He would tell his story in massive , dynamic bodies .
    物語を伝えるために 躍動感あふれる 堂々たる肉体を使いました
  • He would tell his story in massive , dynamic bodies .
    物語を伝えるために 躍動感あふれる 堂々たる肉体を使いました
  • A monumental painted framework which opens onto nine panels
    9枚のパネルを取り囲むように 堂々たる枠が描かれ
  • A monumental painted framework which opens onto nine panels
    9枚のパネルを取り囲むように 堂々たる枠が描かれ
  • And then in the most magnificent gesture
  • And yet it is possible that he was regarded its inventor because he improved the turret further to create a magnificent one .
  • At 24 meter tall , it stands taller than todai-ji temple ' s nandai-mon gate and is said to be the largest temple sammon gate in japan .
  • By the patronage of marcus cassius severus and for the glory of emperor titus , remember , all here , the mighty victory of senator quintas attius corvus and his annihilation of the celtic rebellion .
    マーカス・セシウス・セヴェルス の支援により そしてタイタス皇帝の 栄光のために 堂々たる勝利を ここに記憶する
  • By the patronage of marcus cassius severus and for the glory of emperor titus , remember , all here , the mighty victory of senator quintas attius corvus and his annihilation of the celtic rebellion .
    マーカス・セシウス・セヴェルス の支援により そしてタイタス皇帝の 栄光のために 堂々たる勝利を ここに記憶する
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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