堅実な商売 1. healthy trade 2. safe business 3. steady business
Take a break from work during this period . 堅実に堅実にって 仕事のしかたも 変わってしもて。
Take a break from work during this period . 堅実に堅実にって 仕事のしかたも 変わってしもて。
You're making very solid progress , mr . wren . かなり堅実に進歩してます レンさん
The problem i have is , you haven't shown a hard profit yet . 問題は、まだ堅実に利益を 示せてないことだ
On the other hand , however , he firmly maintained the social standing of his family through the confusion after the world war ii . しかし、一方で戦後の混乱の中、堅実に家柄を守り抜いた。
Canterlot high continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest , and crystal prep continues to field its top 12 students . キャンテロット高校では あいかわらず選手を... 人気で選んでいるようですが クリスタル学園では堅実に 成績トップの12人を選びます
Based on jutaro ' s opinion that ' steady people with both excellent capability and skills can be lent enormous property without being significantly questioned if they had mortgage ' , it was said that the personality-oriented loan policy was adopted . また重太郎の考えにそって「人物の堅実にして、手腕と技量と共に優秀なりと認めた者には、その担保品の有無は敢えて甚だしく問う所なく、巨額の財を賃与したる」という人物本位の融資方針をとっていたといわれる。
Kitagaichi steadily spent his money to buy fields in his hometown of ishikawa prefecture and became a landlord , and finally became a member of a district assembly after studying hard , but during the russo-japanese war , he was accused of being a spy of russia , and had to bear a hard life . 北賀市は堅実に郷里の石川県で田畑を購入し地主となり、勉学を重ね郡会議員にまでなったが、日露戦争が始まると露探(「ロシアのスパイ」の意)扱いをされ、辛い生活を余儀なくされた。