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"堅魚"の例文"堅魚" 意味


  • skipjack〔海洋回遊魚。群れを成す。背は青黒、腹部は銀白色、特有のしまが数本(死後に現れる)。さしみ?たたき?土佐作り?かつお節?なまり節、などにする。さばき方は独特(特に節型には)。たたきは、強火(わらの直火)で表側を焼き、氷水に浸し、手早く水気を取り、鰹独特の臭みを消す葱、生姜、ニンニク小片を盛る〕


  • Katsuogi (鰹木 ) is also written as ' 堅緒木 ,' ' 堅魚木 ,' ' 勝男木 ' or ' 葛尾木 .'
  • In the meiji period , the style of hoya was changed from azumaya-zukuri to sinmei-zukuri with gables having decoration of chigi (forked finials ) and katsuogi (wooden billets placed atop and at right angle to a roof ridge ).
  • Of the three , ' katauo ' was designated as the offering from the provinces of izu , suruga , shima , sagami , awa (the present-day southern chiba prefecture ), kii , awa (the present-day tokushima prefecture ), tosa , bungo and hyuga .
  • Cho were the special local products of an area that consisted of a variety of goods , including fiber products such as silk , thick silk fabric , threads , cotton and cloth , marine products such as salt , abalone , seaweed and katauo (solid dried fish ), iron , as well as cho no sowaritsumono (the subordinate tax to cho [a tax paid by tribute ]) such as oil , dyes , marine products and mountain vegetables .
  • According to nihonshoki (chronicles of japan ), after the death of his son yamato takeru no mikoto , emperor keiko made a tour of various places in connection with his son ' s eastern expedition; when he visited the ukishima no miya shrine in the awa province , his courtier iwakamutsukari no mikoto caught tuna and white clam to cook them for namasu (a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar ) and presented it to the emperor .
  • In 701 , during the asuka period (the period from late in the sixth century to 710 ), dried bonito and other products were designated in taiho ritsuryo (taiho code ) and buyaku ryo (corvee code ) as the offering to the yamato court; the products related to bonito were classified into three categories differing in their production processes , namely ' katauo ' (a solid dried fish ), ' nikatauo ' (a fish boiled and dried hard ) and ' katauo senju ' (a soup stock extracted by boiling a solid dried fish ).
  • In 701 , during the asuka period (the period from late in the sixth century to 710 ), dried bonito and other products were designated in taiho ritsuryo (taiho code ) and buyaku ryo (corvee code ) as the offering to the yamato court; the products related to bonito were classified into three categories differing in their production processes , namely ' katauo ' (a solid dried fish ), ' nikatauo ' (a fish boiled and dried hard ) and ' katauo senju ' (a soup stock extracted by boiling a solid dried fish ).
  • In 701 , during the asuka period (the period from late in the sixth century to 710 ), dried bonito and other products were designated in taiho ritsuryo (taiho code ) and buyaku ryo (corvee code ) as the offering to the yamato court; the products related to bonito were classified into three categories differing in their production processes , namely ' katauo ' (a solid dried fish ), ' nikatauo ' (a fish boiled and dried hard ) and ' katauo senju ' (a soup stock extracted by boiling a solid dried fish ).
  • In the fish market at nihonbashi (present chuo ward , tokyo ) in the edo period , the following was said , showing that whale meat was available widely in the areas around the edo castle: " if you want big fishes , there are whales , if you want small fishes , there are sardines , if you want precious fishes , there are sea breams and flounders , but skipjack tunas are excellent inshore fishes , and people always eat skipjack tunas as a traditional custom at the first fair of selling them on april 8 , even if they have to pawn their clothes or to sell their collars ."
    江戸時代には、江戸の日本橋 (東京都中央区)の魚市では「大には鯨、小には鰯、貴品には鯛、鰈等があるなかにも堅魚は近海の名産にして、四月八日の初市には、衣を典し衿を売るも必ずこれを食ふの旧習民間に行はる」という言葉が残されており、江戸城下で鯨肉が広く一般に流通していたことがうかがえる。
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