Who used it to fund a marriage with another man . 他の男との結婚資金にされた」
I'd lose all the money i've been saving for a wedding . 私だってコツコツためた 結婚資金なくなっちゃう
For me , it was the plan for this girl's wedding funds . 私としては あの子の結婚資金のつもりでした。
Really !? in that case , won't you want to start saving up for a wedding soon ? ホント!? じゃあ そろそろ 結婚資金ためない?
Saving up for a wedding ? 結婚資金?
It is also said that nobunaga was very happy with the alliance and he himself paid all the marriage expenses despite established practice at the time being that the azai family would pay . また同盟時、信長は大いに喜び通常は浅井側が結婚資金を用意するのが当時のしきたりだったが、信長自身が婚姻の費用を全額負担したとされている。
According to the former imperial house act and the decree for the marriage of imperial family , the persons entitled for marrying a member of the imperial family were limited to members of the imperial family or kazoku . 同年定められた旧皇室典範と皇族通婚令により、皇族との結婚資格を有する者は皇族または華族の出である者に限定された。
According to old imperial house act implemented before world war ii , a person of royalty or new nobility was qualified to marry a man of royalty , and there existed a consuetude that a legitimate wife of the main branch of the imperial family who was a future empress (i .e ., the crown princess ) should be limited to a female from royalty or the old sekke . 戦前の旧皇室典範に於いては皇族男子との結婚資格は皇族と華族に与えられていたが、将来の皇后たるべき皇室嫡流の正室(即ち皇太子妃)となるべき者は、皇族若しくは旧摂家の女子に限るという不文律が存在した。