婚約解消 の英語
婚約 婚約 こんやく engagement betrothal 解消 解消 かいしょう cancellation liquidation 一方的な契約解消 unilateral cancellation of a contract 婚約は解消された The engagement is off. 婚約を解消した 【形】 disengaged 婚約を解消する 1 1. annul the engagement 2. break (off) the [one's] engagement 3. break off a betrothal 4. break off an engagement 5. call off the [their] engagement 6. dissolve a marriage contract 7. undo a match 婚婚約 婚約 こんやく engagement betrothal 解消 解消 かいしょう cancellation liquidation 彼は自分とメアリーとの婚約は解消されたと私に言った。 He told me that his engagement to Mary was off. 契約解除 annulment of a contract 契約解除権 right of rescission 婚約式 espousal 婚約者 婚約者 こんやくしゃ fiance fiancee 契約解除条項 1. defeasance clause 2. termination clause 契約解除訴訟 revocatory action
Katie ,you didn't know they called off their engagement ? 知らないの? 婚約解消 したのよ Katie ,you didn't know they called off their engagement ? 知らないの? 婚約解消 したのよ Katie ,you didn't know they called off their engagement ? 知らないの? 婚約解消 したのよ Both agreed to canceling the engagement ourselves ... 本人同士が婚約解消 に 合意してるっつってんのに。 Oh ! sorry ! what should i do ? my engagement might be called off . あっ ごめん! どうしよう 婚約解消 になるかも。 Oh ! sorry ! what should i do ? my engagement might be called off . あっ ごめん! どうしよう 婚約解消 になるかも。 Let's call off the engagement .婚約解消 しましょう You should break up with me .婚約解消 すべきだわ The engagement was called off .婚約解消 してた The engagement is canceled ?婚約解消 ?