" yamanba-zu " (a mountain witch ) (important cultural property ) itsukushima-jinja shrine (hatsukaichi city , hiroshima prefecture ) 『山姥図』(重要文化財)厳島神社(広島県廿日市市)
Different stories have been passed down such as yamanba (mountain witch ), oni and zashiki warashi bringing about misfortune and or happiness . 山姥や鬼や座敷童子が禍や福をもたらすという、各々違う物語が伝承されている。
While his style was essentially bright and gallant , he occasionally produced grotesque and gruesome drawings like " yamanba " (a mountain witch ) in his later years . 作風は基本的に明るく軽快であるが、晩年になって『山姥』のような時折グロテスクで陰惨な印象の作品を残した。
Tradition says that a mountain witch called yasaburo-baba (hag ), who once committed every evil such as devastating lands or eating people in niigata prefecture , later became this god . かつて新潟県で、土地を荒らしたり人をとって食ったりと悪行の限りを尽していた弥三郎婆(やさぶろうばばあ)という山姥が、この神になったとする伝承が残されている。
He is famous for the elimination of shuten doji of oeyama (mt . oe ) and his appearance in kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrine ) (noh song ) ' tsuchigumo ,' ' komochi yamanba ' and ' takiyasha hime .' 大江山の酒呑童子退治や、神楽(謡曲)「土蜘蛛」「子持山姥」「滝夜叉姫」に登場することで有名。