That master you talked about , what is it ? 山守らと世間話するくらいのもんだ
I heard from the patrollers . ・・・山守の人に聞いたよ
Military court - mt . watanabe shuko-ji temple (toyota city , aichi prefecture ): main hall 軍議評定所 - 渡辺山守綱寺(愛知県豊田市)本堂
A son of tsu no yamamori , who was a descendant of kurusu-o (kinkyushu-o ), the fourteenth king of baekje . 百済国第14代の王である貴須王(近仇首王)の末裔、津山守の子。
Oyamamori no miko (earlier than 257 - march 31 , 310 ) was the first prince of emperor ojin . 大山守皇子(おおやまもり の みこ、神功皇后摂政57年(257年)以前 - 応神天皇41年2月15日 (旧暦)(310年3月31日))は応神天皇の第一皇子。
Prince osazaki immediately realized his assassination conspiracy , and prince oyamamori was killed by the plot of prince uji no wakiiratsuko conversely . 大鷦鷯尊はこれをいち早く察知し、大山守皇子はかえって太子の謀略に遭って殺された。
According to miura , the empress of the taiho emperor , saku-hime miura , was the 57th generation starting from prince ooyamamori , the second imperial prince of the emperor ojin . 三浦によれば、大宝天皇の皇后・三浦佐久姫は、応神天皇の第二皇子大山守皇子より五十七代目にあたるという。
Otomo no yamamori (totomi no kuni no kami [governor of totomi province ], shogoinojo [senior fifth rank , upper grade ]) administered three provinces , namely suruga province , izu province , and kai province . 大伴山守(遠江国守、正五位上)は駿河国、伊豆国、甲斐国の3国を管する。
According to " kojiki ," in his reign , he established amabe , yamabe , yama no moribe , and isebe (groups of people related respectively to sea products , mountains , mountain management , and ise province . 『古事記』に「この御世に、海部(あまべ)、山部、山守部、伊勢部を定めたまひき。
Korin choon , dosan shusho and tokusan enmitsu , who were disciples of bunen , formed a large group at the end of the tang , and flourished from the end of the five dynasties period to the northern sung period . 文偃門下の香林澄遠・洞山守初・徳山縁密らが唐末に一大勢力を形成し、五代末より北宋にかけて、隆盛を極めた。