You can have a clear view of this mountain from rakusai new town . このニュータウンからはこの山の山容をはっきりと見る事ができる。
Out of the three mountains , it has the most alps-like appearance and the figure is impressive for the exposed rocks of unusual shape . 3つの山の中では、最もアルペン的風貌を持ち、奇岩露出の印象的な山容。
Since the shape of the mountain that can be viewed from the eastern sea side is beautiful , it is popularly called wakasa fuji . 東部海岸から眺める山容が秀麗な景観を見せることから、現在では俗に「若狭富士」と呼ばれている。
To replicate the grand image of the mountains on the limited space of paper , the pictures of them are worthy of mention because not only so many different styles of drawing were used but they are also of a scientific nature , unlike any other books . 山岳図は、限られた紙の上に雄大な山容を再現するために、様々な画法を用いて工夫がなされているだけでなく、科学性をも兼ね備えている点で、他に類例のないものとして特筆すべきものである。
Mt . bizan (gifu city ) is said to have been named by sanyo when he visited his pupil in mino province and stopped by at the residence of the kono family , a village headman in nishiawano , on his way home , as he was impressed with a graceful appearance of the mountain like a woman ' s beautifully trimmed eyebrows . 眉山 (岐阜市)は山陽が美濃国の門人を訪ね、帰路西粟野の庄屋河野家に立ち寄った時に眉を引いたように優美な山容に感じて名付けたと言われている。