海を越えて 1. across the water 2. beyond [across, over] the sea [seas]
It ends in kameoka , kyoto after passing through amabiki pass from sasayama . 篠山からは天引峠を越えて亀岡・京都へ至る。
The routes cross over the kimi-toge pass to hashimoto , then reach to mount koya . 紀見峠を越えて橋本へ至った後、高野山へと至った。
Road from osaka to nara , crossing over kuragari-toge pass in ikoma mountain range . 大坂から生駒山地の暗峠を越えて奈良に至る街道。
They decided to take a detour and go through the haeboshi-toge to enter the echizen province and head to kyoto . 更に北上し蠅帽子峠を越えて越前国に入り、大きく迂回して京都を目指す事とした。
Ushu-kaido road: it started at naka-kori-shuku and ran over kosaka pass and kanayama pass to yamagata , akita and aomori . 羽州街道:中桑折宿から小坂峠・金山峠を越えて山形、秋田、青森へ至る。
The oda army of the mountain side went to negoro over the kazefuki pass from shidachi , crossed the kino-kawa river and faced saiga from the east side . 山手の織田勢は信達から風吹峠を越えて根来に進み、紀ノ川を渡って東側から雑賀に迫った。
Tenchu-gumi departed after it was joined by tesseki fujimoto who had been raising war funds , and after passing chihaya pass , the border , the group entered yamato province . 軍資金を調達に出ていた藤本鉄石が合流して出発、国境の千早峠を越えて大和国へ入った。
However , yoritomo ' s troops at this time entered saku county over usui-toge pass , took control of the yoda-jo castle , and faced yoshinaka ' s troops at zenkojidaira . が、この時の頼朝軍は碓氷峠を越えて佐久郡に入り、依田城を落して善光寺平で義仲軍と対峙している。
Ieyasu tokugawa who conquered kai invaded southern shinano , the uesugi clan invaded northern shinano , and the hojo clan invaded eastern shinano from kozuke province through usui-toge pass . 甲斐を制圧した徳川家康が南信濃へ、上杉氏は北信濃へ、そして北条氏は上野国から碓氷峠を越えて東信濃へと侵攻した。
Since ancient times the pass has been famous and a legend is remained that a defeated soldier fleeing the enemy climbed over the pass to hatsukawa settlement deep in the mountain and lived there . 古来その名が良く知られていた峠であり、落ち武者がこの峠を越えて、山の奥の初川集落に逃げ込んで生活していたとの伝説が残っている。