So , gandalf , you tried to lead them over caradhras . ガンダルフ カラズラスの峠を越えるのだな 失敗したら
It is called the kiyotaki-kaido road because it crosses the kiyotaki-toge pass in shijonawate city . 四條畷市の清滝峠を越えることからその名が付いた。
The section of hatenashi pass was used not only by pilgrims but also by local people as community road . 果無峠を越える道は参詣者だけでなく、地元の人々の生活道路としても使われていた。
To reach momoi settlement from otsu city , shiga prefecture , it requires to get over the pass and mt . kurama . 滋賀県大津市から百井集落に至るにはこの峠を越える必要があり、鞍馬山を越えていく。
Local people tend to cross over anaura pass on kyoto and hyogo prefectural road 109 fukuchiyama sannan line which is relatively easier to drive . 地元住民の車は榎峠よりも、比較的走行が容易な京都府道・兵庫県道109号福知山山南線の穴裏峠を越えることが多い。
In 1579 , hideyoshi entrusted him with the management of chausuyama-jo castle in order to guard harima-do road that crossed over akasaka-toge mountain pass . 天正7年(1579年)、秀吉から茶臼山城を任せられ、赤松峠を越える播磨道の警護に当たった。
It was already in december and really cold , and it was feared that they may not be able to go over the hill which was steep and had a lot of snow; however , they made it to echizen . すでに12月に入っており寒気は厳しく積雪のある峻険な峠を越える事は不可能とも思われたが、一行は困難を乗り越え越前に入ることに成功した。
Leaving yagimoto and immediately after crossing hatenashi pass at the eastern end of the hatenashi mountain range , the road enters wakayama prefecture and reaches shimoyama-guchi of yagio , hongu-cho , tanabe city . 柳本を発って果無山脈東端にある果無峠を越えると和歌山県側に入り、田辺市本宮町八木尾の下山口にたどり着く。
During the examination of the route of the railroad over usui-toge pass , there were various proposed ideas including steep line going through the spot from 25‰ to 100‰ , loop line , switchback , and cable car . 碓氷峠を越える鉄道建設ルートの検討では、25‰から100‰にも達する急勾配線、ループ線、スイッチバック、ケーブルカーなどが候補に挙がっていた。
Behind this lies a construction plan of the early meiji period , and there were divided opinions over which route--tokaido or nakasen-do street--would be preferable for construction . initially the government accepted the route along nakasen-do street and started service in some sections , but later it realized that the route along the tokaido was better , considering the earlier plan ' s higher estimated costs and longer construction period , as well as the restricted transportation in mountainous areas (particularly those across the usui-toge ), so ultimately the route was shifted east of kano (gifu prefecture ) to the route along the tokaido . これは東西両京を結ぶ鉄道線を敷設するに当たって、東海道と中山道のいずれに通すかを巡って明治初期に論争があり、その結果中山道経由に一時は決定してその一部に該当する路線が開業したものの、後に碓氷峠を越える区間など山岳地域での工事の長期化・費用増、開業後の輸送量制限を考慮して、やはり東海道の方が優れているということになり、急遽岐阜(加納)以東のルートが東海道経由に変更されたことに起因している。