- be saddled with huge bad-loan burden
- 巨額 巨額 きょがく great sum
- 不良 不良 ふりょう badness delinquent inferiority failure
- 債権 債権 さいけん credit claim
- 込む 込む こむ to be crowded
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- 不良債権 不良債権 ふりょうさいけん bad debt
- 背負い込む saddle with〔~を〕
- 巨額の不良債権 huge bad debts
- 膨大な不良債権を背負い込む be burdened with staggering levels of bad debt
- 巨額の不良債権を隠す conceal huge sums in bad loans
- 巨額の不良債権 huge bad debts
- _ドルの不良債権を背負う be burdened with $__ in bad debt
- 巨額の不良債権を抱えている be stuck with huge amounts in nonperforming loans
- 巨額の不良債権に苦しむ struggle with massive nonperforming loans
- 巨額の不良債権の処理 disposal of massive amount of bad [nonperforming] loans