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"年掛け"の例文"年掛け" 意味


  • 年掛け
    yearly payment
  • 掛け     掛け かけ credit
  •      け 毛 hair fur 家 house family 卦 divination sign
  • 掛け    掛け かけ credit
  • 上掛け    topping
  • 仕掛け    仕掛け しかけ device trick mechanism gadget (small) scale half finished commencement set up challenge
  • 内掛け    内掛け うちがけ throwing down by leg work
  • 出掛け    出掛け でがけ おでかけ about to start out just about to leave or go out
  • 刀掛け    刀掛け かたなかけ sword rack
  • 前掛け    前掛け まえかけ apron
  • 呼掛け    呼掛け challenge[電情]
  • 壁掛け    壁掛け かべかけ ornament
  • 夏掛け    夏掛け なつがけ summer-use futon
  • 外掛け    外掛け そとがけ outside leg trip
  • 寝掛け    寝掛け ねがけ half-asleep
  • 山掛け    山掛け やまかけ foods topped with grated yam


  • He spent 20 years building his own distribution .
  • He was happy too because he had a dream project
    彼も一年掛けて 取り組める 夢のプロジェクトにハッピーで
  • You lost in one day what it took me 15 years to build .
    あなたは15年掛けて 造ったものを1日で失う
  • It's what alchemists have been spending hundreds of years trying to do .
    錬金術師が何百年掛けて いまだ成し得てない
  • You keep pointing the finger at me 'cause you haven't found jack shit all year .
    君は私を非難してる 1年掛けても探し出せなかったから
  • Listen , i spent the last 10 years of my life ... studying , saving and busting my ass for that job !
    いいか 10年掛けた事が 台無しになるんだぞ
  • It turns out he's got casino investments in the mideast , and he spent two years learning it lo keep the upper hand .
    [実際に奴は、彼は中東でのカジノ投資を得た,] [そして、2年掛けてアラビア語を学び イオは幹部にのし上がった. ]
  • As the increasing number of guests recently prefer the kakenagashi-type , some hot springs are using the catchphrase saying " 100 % fresh hot spring water " in their advertising .
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