His father yoshikazu hasegawa , a samurai of the owari domain , had served as an attendant to his master when he went hawking . 父・尾張藩武士・長谷川吉数は鷹狩り供役を勤める。
His older son , tomoemon otani the eighth , took over the trade name " akashiya " and performs mainly as tachiyaku (a leading male-role actor ). 長男は明石屋を継承し、主に立役を勤める大谷友右衛門 (8代目)。
In 1857 , she was married to minoru kusunose who was an instructor of kendo (japanese art of fencing ) of tosa domain , but became a widow in 1874 . 1857年には、土佐藩の剣道指南役を勤める楠瀬実と結婚するが、1874年に死別。
The kawata family was fushimi rusuiyaku (a person representing the master during his absence ) in tottori domain for generations and he succeeded the head of the family in 1851 to become fushimi rusuiyaku . 河田家は代々鳥取藩の伏見留守居役を勤める家であり、嘉永4年(1851年)家督を継ぎ、伏見留守居となる。
Since the family finally became unable to take part in noh plays due to a shortage of performers , they joined in the shimogakari hosho school during the time of mineo , a son of takeo , and this school eventually became extinct . 遂に手不足から役を勤めることが不可能となっため、子の岑男の代からは下掛宝生流に転じ、同流はここに廃絶した。
Shiki sanban requires the total of eight or nine actors who play the role of okina (shite-kata , which means the protagonist ) which is performed by tayu (the head of each school of noh ), the role of senzai (shite-kata in kamigakari composed of the kanze and hosho schools of noh sharing the same roots in kyoto and kyogen-kata , or kyogen-shi , in shimogakari comprising the konparu , kongo , and kita schools of noh sharing the same roots in nara ), the role of sanbaso (kyogen-kata ), the role of menbako-mochi (who makes an appearance as kyogen-kata only in kamigakari to play opposite in the dialogue of the sanbaso section ), fue-kata (a flute player ), three kotsuzumi-kata (small hand-drum players ), and otsuzumi-kata (a large hand-drum player ). 式三番に要する役者は、翁役の大夫(シテ方)、千歳役(上掛りではシテ方、下掛りでは狂言方)、三番叟役(狂言方)、面箱持役(上掛りに限って出る。狂言方。三番叟の段で問答の相手役を勤める)、笛方、小鼓方3名、大鼓方の計8ないし9名。