仕事を引き継ぐ 1 1. stand in one's shoes 2. step into the breach 3. take up the ball 仕事を引き継ぐ 2 1. take over someone's business 2. take over someone's share of the work〔人の〕
地位を引き継ぐ assume [take on, wear, inherit] someone's mantle〔人の〕
He inherited the role of " otona ," or the head of a village , which had been assumed by the kinoshita family for generations in 1817 , transferred the role to his elder brother in 1829 , and started working as a medical doctor , which had been his initial interest , using tokushodo as his professional name . 文化 (元号)14年(1817年)、18歳で木下家代々の乙名(名主)の役を引き継ぐも、文政12年(1829年)にその役を兄の子に譲り、自身は元来関心のあった医師を生業とし、医門名を得生堂と称した。