仕事を引き継ぐ 1 1. stand in one's shoes 2. step into the breach 3. take up the ball 仕事を引き継ぐ 2 1. take over someone's business 2. take over someone's share of the work〔人の〕
He got buddhism training in the hase-dera temple , the grand head temple of the buzan school of the shingon sect in nara , and then took over as the 28th chief priest of the kannon-ji temple after koya died in 1832 . 奈良の真言宗豊山派総本山の長谷寺にて仏道修行を行うが、1832年、康哉の没後に観音寺の第28代住職を引き継ぐ。