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  • He used to be pretty smart, but I'm afraid his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top any more.
  • 昔は     in (the) olden days
  • よく     よく 良く 善く nicely properly well skilled in 欲 greed wants 慾 craving desire greed
  • でき     でき 出来 smart quality
  • きた     きた 北 North
  • たが     たが 箍 hoop binding (e.g. of a barrel)
  • 最近     最近 さいきん latest most recent nowadays
  • どこ     どこ 何処 where what place
  • こか     こか 古歌 old song old poem 固化 solidification
  • 抜け     seated, not fully
  • てい     てい 体 appearance air condition state form 剃 shave 偵 spy 停 stopping 弟 younger
  • いる     いる 鋳る 鑄る to cast to mint to coin 要る to need 煎る 炒る 熬る to parch to fry to fire
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • どこか     どこか 何処か somewhere anywhere in some respects
  • 抜けている     【形】 wanting
  • どこか抜けている     1. be missing a few screws 2. someone's elevator doesn't go all the way to the
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