- He was so unkind to his little sister that his parents got angry.
- して して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
- 意地 意地 いじ disposition spirit willpower obstinacy backbone appetite
- ので ので that being the case because of ...
- 両親 両親 ふたおや りょうしん parents both parents
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 対して 対して たいして for in regard to per
- とても とても 迚も very awfully exceedingly
- 意地悪 意地悪 いじわる malicious ill-tempered unkind
- に対して に対して にたいして towards against regarding in contrast with
- 彼女は若いころ、とても意地悪なこともあった She could be very nasty in her younger days.
- 彼は仕事に対してまじめだったので、昇進した His seriousness about his job got him a promotion.
- 彼はとても空腹だったので、私の2倍食べた He was so hungry that he ate twice as much as I did.
- 彼の机はあまりにも乱雑だったので、上司は怒った The disorder on his desk was so bad that his boss got angry.
- どうして辞めたの?別に君が悪いことしたわけじゃないんだから、君が辞める必要なかったのに。何の理由もなく、上司が意地悪だったんだろ? Why? You didn't have to quit because you didn't do anything wrong. She was just mean to you for no reason, right?