- She was alienated from her group when they learned that she had lied.
- 彼女 彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
- うそ うそ 嘘 lie falsehood incorrect fact inappropriate
- つい つい just (now) quite (near) unintentionally unconsciously by mistake against
- いた いた 板 board plank
- 仲間 仲間 ちゅうげん samurai's attendant footman なかま company fellow colleague associate
- から から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- かった かった カッタ cutter
- 間から from between〔~の〕
- 彼女は、社長が彼女にうそをついたと主張した She claimed that the president had lied to her.
- 彼女は雑用をみんな済ませたとうそをついた She fibbed about finishing all the chores.
- 自分が不妊症だと分かったとき、彼女は泣いた When she learned she was sterile, she cried.
- ボブがうそをついていると知ったとき、彼女はすぐさま彼をポイと捨てた When she found out that Bob was lying to her, she dropped him like a hot potato.
- コマドリを見たとき、彼女はすでに春になっていたと分かった When she saw the robin, she knew spring had arrived.
- 自分の罪を隠すために、彼女はうそをついた To cover up her crime, she made up a lie.