- She looked at me with (a) challenge in her eyes.
- 彼女 彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
- 挑戦 挑戦 ちょうせん challenge defiance
- かべ かべ 壁 wall
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 目にパニックの色を浮かべて~を見る look at ~ with a gleam of panic in one's eye
- 目に憎悪の色を浮かべて(人)を見る look at someone with hate in one's eyes
- 彼女の目には涙が浮かんでいた。/彼女は目に涙を浮かべていた。 There were tears in her eyes.
- 憂色を浮かべて with a look of anxiety
- ありありといら立ちの色を浮かべて with visible impatience
- 満面に喜びの色を浮かべて 1. with a face which bespeaks one's joy 2. with a look of delight on one's face 3. with a look of joy delight
- 目の辺りに緊張の色を浮かべて tight around the eyes
- 目に涙を浮かべて with tears in one's eyes
- 悲しみの色を浮かべる look sad
- 顔に喜びの色を浮かべる beam with joy
- 涙を浮かべて in tears