首を痛める 1. bruise one's neck 2. get a kink in one's neck
And i love them most achingly when they are sad . 子どもたちが悲しいときは 私も心を痛めるほど愛しています
And as a parent , i just can't imagine what that does to your soul . 一人の親として これがどれほど皆さんの 心を痛めるかは想像に絶えません
And as a parent , i just can't imagine what that does to your soul . 一人の親として これがどれほど皆さんの 心を痛めるかは想像に絶えません
Emishi who also realized umayado ' s strange power was troubled by umayado ' s loneliness he sometimes saw . 同じく厩戸の不思議を感知した毛人は、時折垣間見る厩戸の孤独に心を痛める。
Masaoka feels sorry for tsuruchiyo , who is a daimyo (japanese feudal lord ), yet cannot eat sufficiently in such a difficult situation . 大名でありながら食事も満足に取れない鶴千代の苦境に心を痛める政岡。