- Idleness is the key of beggary.
- 怠け indolence
- ごい ごい 語意 meaning of a word 語彙 vocabulary glossary
- 人生 人生 じんせい (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
- 怠け癖 怠け癖 なまけぐせ habit of idleness (laziness) indolence
- 物ごい 1. beggar 2. beggary 3. begging 4. burrole〈米俗〉 5. panhandler 6. spanging〈俗〉
- 全く新しい人生への出発 start of totally new life
- 人生への不満 discontent with life
- 怠け癖 怠け癖 なまけぐせ habit of idleness (laziness) indolence
- 怠け癖は、優雅な生活を破滅させる。 Idleness is the shipwreck of chastity.
- 怠け者は、物ごいの兄弟。 The slothful man is the beggar's brother.
- 物ごい 1. beggar 2. beggary 3. begging 4. burrole〈米俗〉 5. panhandler 6. spanging〈俗〉
- 人生への情熱を失う lose one's zest for life
- より良い人生への希望や期待の灯を消してしまう extinguish any flame of hope or promise for a better life
- 怠け癖がつく 1. form habits of laziness 2. get lazy 3. grow lazy
- 怠け癖を直す get over one's habit of laziness