Seem to find their way into some pretty unsavory hands . かなり良くない 人達の手元に残るものです
The remaining debt to you will be roughly 50 million yen . 鴨さんの手元に残る 借金は ざっと 5,000万。
That means , worst case , you're walkin' out of there with at least 150 bucks cash and my car . 最悪でも 150ドルと俺の車が 手元に残る
That means , worst case , you're walkin' out of there with at least 150 bucks cash and my car . 最悪でも 150ドルと俺の車が 手元に残る
The sling tied up to the wrist remains in hand , and another stone can be placed immediately to be thrown . 投石器自体は、手首に縛り付けてあるので手元に残るので、新たな石を挟むことで、即座に次の石を投擲出来る。